

We consider these exquisitely concentrated zones of contact to be "limit cases:" intense points where natural and built forces mutually contaminate as they play out to their most extreme forms, levels, and junctures.

In 002007 we traveled through the American southwest for 28 days. The trip consisted of 3700 miles. The Limit Case Postcards offer a typology of intersecting streams in the midst of re-shaping one another. Across these cards, multiple movements of various scale, speed, duration, force, effectivity, stream into the present—where they meet and become arrangements-in-relation-to-each-other. Some are human flows that thoughtfully re-arrange geologic flows (such as the Spiral Jetty). Others are vast, slow geologic flows that come into contact with humans for mere moments (such as flowing lava). The cards also document ephemeral structures and affordances built by humans (power plants, churches, bunkers, places of shelter and recreation); natural forces continuously passing through and shaping landscapes (clouds, solar energy, emissions); and waste streams of human creation (tailings, the contents of composting toilets, and discarded, bullet hole riddled target forms).

The images on the cards offer a dynamic image of a slice through time, a simultaneity of colliding movements. These streams are in the process of meeting, in and through the landscape. They intersect, reconfigure, and change course after contact. Effects ripple out and time itself will be a vital actor in composing the next typological form.

The postcard format echoes our experience of continuous movement for 28 days and signals our experiences of landscape as an event in the midst of being made. Such experiences, we believe, necessitate extraordinary acts of creativity and responsiveness if we humans are to become contemporaneous with the material realities of our times.

PRESS: Online exhibition Limit Case postcards:

30-card pack
4"x 6"
Edition of 300
100% biodegradable packaging
$8.00 USD + shipping
