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Practice for Living Time in and as the AnthropoceNE

The act of cultivating psychological, physical and spiritual capacities for co-existing with big and fast change are as vital as any infrastructural, scientific, and preparatory/adaptive actions. They generate new sensations and meanings—potentials that open the future to new actions and arrangements —even as the future seems to be closing down. 

We sensed an urgent need for practices that invite humans to:

  • pay close attention to the changes that are the Anthropocene,

  • hold the thought of the reality of this new epoch,

  • build psychological and emotional capacities to creatively meet the unstable conditions we will continuously encounter in these new times.

Close observation assists us in fostering deeper awareness of what we face as a species. It grows our capacities to invent new ways to live the Anthropocene in our daily lives.

We performed Practice for Living Time in and as the Anthropocene during a public workshop in collaboration with the Golden Gate Park Japanese Teahouse and Omotesenke tea school. The workshop was entitled Practices for Living in and as Change: Amulets for the Anthropocene, and was part of the Davies Forum Seminar entitled Making Sense of the Anthropocene, taught by Professor Stephen Zavestoski (Fall 002016, University of San Francisco).

amulet by Cameron Hughes

amulet by Cameron Hughes