from Careful Infrastructures for Reassembled Lands, smudge studio, September 002022, image LISA HIRMER
IN collaboration WITH LISA HIRMER
“A text based installation running along the water’s edge, a speculative infrastructure suggesting how we might live in relationship to this place, its other non-human inhabitants, and each other.” - Lisa Hirmer, Toronto Waterfront Artist in Residence, 002022
Inspired by Waterfront Toronto’s Port Lands project—which is rebuilding the mouth of the Don River—this installation acts like a welcome to the “new,” or in fact reassembled, land. The laser cut metal signs also act as a sort of poetic or soft infrastructure. In ways similar to how physical infrastructures organize our lives and relationships, this work suggests that how we think about a place also shapes how we live there. The poetic texts offer ideas for how the city might be inhabited differently in light of the climate emergency, together with all the non-human beings and forces that make up this place.
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