smudge studio is a collaboration between Elizabeth Ellsworth and Jamie Kruse.

Our media include photography, performative research, multiples, installation and micro-productions. Inspired by both ancient and contemporary observations of Earth’s time and place in the cosmos, we stage embodied engagements with the planet’s ever-transforming events and conditions — human and nonhuman. We take this to be a vital aesthetic-ecological act.


In 002005, Elizabeth Ellsworth and Jamie Kruse founded smudge studio as a 501c3 art and education nonprofit. Our first works used various media and hand-built devices that interacted with diverse landscapes and topographies in ways that signaled the dynamic forces shaping them. 

We traveled nationally and internationally for several years to research landscapes in transformation, including the Nevada Test Site in 2009 via a Center for Land Use Interpretation (CLUI) residency in Wendover, UT. Through these travels we saw first hand how humans often design in ways that unintentionally create waste, rearrange landscapes and biospheres, and disrupt bio-geo networks. These impacts will shape our planet and our species and ramify into the future for thousands, and even millions of years. As these new material realities of climate change and the Anthropocene intensified, we expanded our framings of landscape and earth’s biosphere to include geologic time and geo-cosmo frames of reference.  

To share this expanded frame, we founded the blog and project entitled Friends of the Pleistocene (002010). We used it to record and creatively respond to our observations and experiences as research artists. It led to our original publication entitled Geologic City: A Field Guide to the GeoArchitecture of New York (NYSCA funded 002011) and our co-edited collection of artists’ insights about the material conditions of contemporary life entitled Making the Geologic Now (punctum books 002012).

From May 0020220-August 002024, we staged smudge studio’s site-specific project: OBSERVATORY, located on the Penobscot Formation, in Belfast, Maine (158 High Street). OBSERVATORY housed a geo-cosmo field station dedicated to making vast scales of geo | cosmo connection sense-able, meaningful, and livable at a human scale. In the midst of fast environmental change, OBSERVATORY generated experiences of curiosity, participation, and deep belonging to our home planet—and to its home, the cosmos.


Jamie Kruse is an artist and Assistant Professor at Parsons, The New School for Design (New York, NY). Her work has been supported by the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts, Onion Foundation, The Puffin Foundation Ltd., The New School Green Fund (Office of Sustainability, The New School); New York State Council for the Arts, the Tishman Environment and Design Center and the Brooklyn Arts Council, among others. She has exhibited and presented her work both nationally and internationally. In the spring of 002014 she was a guest researcher for Future North (AHO Oslo) and in 002012, with Elizabeth Ellsworth, she co-edited Making the Geologic Now Responses to Material Conditions of Contemporary Life (punctum books). download CV 


Elizabeth Ellsworth is one half of smudge studio, a 20-year trans-disciplinary

collaboration with Jamie Kruse. While a professor of media studies (University of

Wisconsin and The New School, New York), her scholarship focused on media, social

change, and public pedagogy. She is author of Places of Learning: Media, Architecture,

Pedagogy—an exploration of the power of aesthetic experience in noncompliant

teaching and learning. Elizabeth’s media include letterpress, collage, fiber sculptures, photography, image-text juxtaposition, and tea as a means for social exchange.

smudge studio’s work has been supported by the Graham Foundation, Rauschenberg

Foundation, Nevada Museum’s Center for Art + Environment, Santa Fe Art Institute, and Research

Council of Norway, Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity.

download short CV (PDF)

instagram: @observatorybelfast | MAKING THE GEOLOGIC NOW (punctum books) | vimeo | FOP BLOG | X @geoturn

Selected works are archived at the Center for Art + Environment, Nevada Museum of Art.

FULL project, publication and presentation list


Paradiso, RISO RAMA, FLEX GALLERY, San Marcos, TX
日々満足 Protection Landscape Set into Motion 1300 Years Ago, BRIDGE STUDIO, Kyoto, Japan

Paradiso, RISO RAMA, Weil Gallery, Corpus Christi, TX

Tea Leaves, Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity project space, Banff, Alberta
Tea Hut of Miraculous Powers, Shed of the Tides, in collaboration with Waterfall Arts and Coastal Mountains Trust, Belfast, ME

toofprints, documenta fifteen, in collaboration Alice Yard, Port of Spain, Trinidad/Kassel, Germany
Careful Infrastructures for Reassembled Lands, Toronto Waterfront Project, in collaboration with Lisa Hirmer
Solastalgic Archive (with Nina Elder), University of New Hampshire Museum of Art

Drawing a Line to the Sun, Summer tea in Prospect Park, Nature Tea

This Time With Tea,
Summer Tea in Prospect Park (virtual)
Alchemy of Uncertainty, with The Alcyon Center, Mount Desert Island, ME (virtual)

Cosmos Night: Flood of Light, Arts Letters and Numbers, Averill Park, NY
        Deep Time Lab with Nina Elder, University of New Mexico Art Museum
Tea at the Tilt of the EarthHenry Art Gallery, hosted by Cross-disciplinary Research Cluster on the Anthropocene, Washington University

 Power of Now, Pasquart Switzerland
         Ambiguous Territory: Architecture, Landscape and the Postnatural
, Pratt Manhattan Gallery + University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA
         Field Remediations with Karolina Sobecka and The Cybernetics Library
, Queens Museum, NY

Incident Report: Reports, September Gallery, Hudson, NY
         Ambiguous Territory: Architecture, Landscape and the Postnatural,
University of Michigan, Taubman College Gallery
         con•tin•u•ums (time beyond lifetimes)
, curated by Patrick Jaojoco, Pfizer Building, Brooklyn, NY

Alice Yard, Port of Spain, Trinidad
         Open Studio, Rising Waters II (residency group exhibition),
Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, Captiva, FLT
Amulets for the Anthropocene, Davies Forum Lecture, “Making Sense of the Anthropocene,” San Francisco University/Golden Gate Park 

From Trinity to Hiroshima and Beyond 
(Atomic Photographers Guild group exhibition), Old Bank of Japan, Hiroshima, Japan
         Golden Spike: Rock Shop of the Anthropocene,
Logan Square Comfort Station, Chicago, IL
         Look Only at the Movement (solo show),
Nevada Museum of Art, Center for Art + Environment
The Geologic Imagination: Sonic Acts Festival, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Uncovering Deep Time in Midtown: A Walking Tour, Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), New York, NY


         Inhabiting Change, small projects, Tromsø, Norway 
         Look Only at the Movement (solo show),
Center for Land Use Interpretation, Wendover, UT + Santa Fe Art Institute, Santa Fe, NM

Look Only at the Movement (solo show),
Sheila C. Johnson Design Center, Parsons, The New School for Design, NY
         Secret Wars,
Proteus Gowanus, Brooklyn, NY
         Field_Notes Deep Time, Art and Science Field Laboratory, Kilpisjärvi Biological Station, Finland and Finnish Academy of Fine Art
         The Anthropocene Project, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, Germany

         Zuihitsu: Look Only at the Waves (solo show),
Area Gallery, University of Southern Maine, Portland, ME
         Thingness of Energy (solo show),
Sheila C. Johnson Design Center, Parsons, The New School for Design, New York, NY
         In the Interest of Time (solo show),
Brazos Gallery, Richland College, Dallas, TX
         Amulets for Infrastructure workshop, Kyoto University of Art and Design
         Landscape Journeys (Reykjavik, Iceland), Oslo School of Architecture and Design, supported by Norwegian Research Council
         Streaming Landscapes, Landscapes of Energy, Oslo School of Architecture and Design

         Geologic City pop-up exhibition and launch party, Studio-X, New York, NY
         Artists in Residence for the US Government (Self-Declared), Institute for Wishful ThinkingMomenta Art, Brooklyn, NY
         The Atlantic Cable,
Incident Report, Hudson, NY
         Musagetes September Cafe, Sudbury, Ontario

         Landscapes of Quarantine,
Storefront for Art and Architecture, New York, NY, curated by Geoff Manaugh and Nicola Twilley 
Geologic Time Viewer, humanities + digital visual interpretations conference, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MA



QUESTION MARK BUTTERFLY FELLOWSHIP, rare Charitable Research Reserve + Musagetes Foundation, Cambridge, Ontario, 2024


HEMERA FOUNDATION, Tending Space Fellowship for Artists, Summer 2017, Spring 2018, Fall 2019

RESEARCH COUNCIL OF NORWAY, 2013-16, Guest Researchers Spring 2014
Granted for Future North, Project manager: Janike Kampevold Larsen, Oslo School of Architecture and Design

Research and Development category, Granted for Repository: A Typological Guide to America’s Ephemeral Nuclear Infrastructure

NEW YORK STATE COUNCIL ON THE ARTS (NYSCA), Architecture Planning & Design, 2012
Granted for Repository: A Typological Guide to America's Ephemeral Nuclear Infrastructure

BROOKLYN ARTS COUNCIL regrant, New York Department of Cultural Affairs, 2011
Granted for Geologic City: A Field Guide to the GeoArchitecture of New York

NEW YORK STATE COUNCIL ON THE ARTS (NYSCA), Architecture Planning & Design program 2011
Granted for Geologic City: A Field Guide to the GeoArchitecture of New York


Bridge To, Kyoto, Japan, 2025

DirectAngle Press,
Bethleham, NH, 2024

Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity,
Visual Arts Residency, Meeting for Teas, 2023

Fowler Dune Shack, Provincelands, MA, 2018

Santa Fe Art Institute, Santa Fe, NM Winter 2014, 2016, 2017

Rising Waters II, Rauschenberg Foundation, Captiva Island, FL, 2016

Phats Valley, Truro, Massachusetts 2014

Small Projects Gallery, Tromso, Norway 2014

Finnish Society of Bioart, Kilpisjärvi Biological Station, Finland 2013

Center for Land Use Interpretation (CLUI), Wendover, UT 2007, 2009, 2010

Cape Cod Modern House Trust (CCMHT), Kugel/Gips House, Wellfleet, MA 2010 

Nevada Museum of Art, Center for Art + Environment, Reno, NV 6/2009. Research residency with The Altered Landscape Collection

The Porches Inn at MASS MoCA, North Adams, MA, 2007, 2008 

Sundance Preserve, Sundance Resort, UT 2007 

C-Scape Dune Shack, Provincetown, MA, 2006

Swing Space WorkSpace, Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, New York, 2006 


“Tea a Geo/Cosmo Event”, in collaboration with Valerie Triggs, Special Issue: OBJECTS, Review of Education, Pedagogy, and Cultural Studies, Routledge, 2024

“Playing the Long Game, smudge studio offers a Broader Prospective,” Republican Journal, July 2022

'Is Not the Anthropocene a Thundering into Who Knows What?' in ASAP/J: Forum: Climate Change, Apocalypse, and the Arts of the Present, eds. Dan Sinykin and Jessica Hurley, Association for the Study of Arts of the Present, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2018

"Steps (ippo ippo ippo)", Lexicon for an Anthropocene Yet Unseen, eds. Cymene Howe, Anand Pandian, Journal for Cultural Anthropology, August 2016.

Interview, Artists in Conversation, BOMB magazine, online, May 2014

"Look Only At the Movement," Places: Design Observer, September 2013

"Siting A Geologic Turn at the 2011 Art + Environment Conference," (Part 1 and Part 2), PopTech, October 2011

Food for Thinkers, Eating Rocks,” GOOD Magazine in collaboration with Friends of the Pleistocene, January 2011 

PopTech Interview, An Obsession with the Past Projects Friends of the Pleistocene into the Future, February 2011 

"Geologic City", Urban Omnibus, December 2010

Live blog from the Albuquerque MuseumLAND/ART Panel, June 2009 

Why We Travel, New York Times, September 2009

Live blog from the Nevada Museum of Art, Art + Environment Conference, October 2008

Live blog from the Whitney Museum’s Buckminster Fuller Symposium, September 2008

"Becoming Human / Artist: Moving in Accord with the Change that Makes the World” 
Performance Paradigm #4, 2008

“Limit Cases” Polar Inertia Journal, Issue #29, August 2007

Kickstarter: Living Deep Time Calendar Year 000001

Kickstarter: Living Deep Time Year 000001